#follow_the_fallula הגיע למיינסטרים

כל התוכן באתר הוא בגדר לכאורה…
ברק נמצא במקום השני ברשימת "האנשים שצריכים לפחד ממה שמקסוול תספר", של הניו יורק פוסט.
"Married politician Ehud Barak, 77, the former Prime Minister of Israel, has watched current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu beat back seemingly every accusation and political challenge, while Barak’s ties to Epstein dog him constantly.
Barak found himself targeted by Netanyahu, who has tweeted articles and photographs of Barak exiting Epstein’s townhouse in 2016.
He once said he met Epstein “more than 10 times and much less than a hundred times, but I can’t tell you exactly how many. I don’t keep count. Over the years, I’ve seen him on occasion.”"